Adding a comment feature

For Publibee – 2019

Publibee improves the experience around researching scientific articles in the biomedical sector and allows you to discuss these articles with the community. I worked on the comment feature.

About Publibee

How to ensure that comments are perceived as reliable and how to make users want to comment despite the fact that this practice is not a habit.

The problem

Design process

User interview, persona, ideation, user flow, visual identity, usability test, desirability te

UX strategy

It appears that users use the PubMed site, which is tedious to use and does not invite discussion.

Discovery & Research

Commenting is not a habit of users but they find that the tool could be beneficial, provided that the comments are reliable.

A reliable comment: a reliable comment is described as objective, argued with sources, relevant, specific and made by a known person.

Reviewer reliability: the profile was essential for users and is a real filter.





Desirability test
